Collaboration using 3D REVIT

I work solely in 3D Revit (BIM), which allows me to deliver every part of my service within one program. I love working this way as the program allows me to produce multiple design options, as well as planning drawings, 3D visualisations, detail drawings and costing information - all of which can be demonstrated to clients in person. Everything is linked to itself within the program, meaning that when one element of the design changes, all the drawings change automatically which saves a significant amount of time and allows me to provide a quick turnaround for drawings and 3D images.

Revit also allows me to integrate Consultant designs such as Structural frames and M&E designs within a 3D environment, and work collaboratively to find the most efficient design solutions. Ultimately this provides cost savings for the client, as clashes within the design can be identified early, and combined with the powerful 3D project model, the turnaround for design and detail changes is very quick compared to 2D CAD drawings. Using Revit also provides the ability to work with Cost consultants to provide accurate Cost Plans, and flag up any construction concerns and see them in 3D at pre-construction stage.  

3D models are also very useful at planning stage as often what a 2D drawing will not convey to a Case Officer a 3D model will, and can significantly alter the perception of a scheme from potentially negative to positive!


I am experienced in taking schemes through the planning process and gaining approval from Local Authorities for even the most modern of proposals! I have developed a good understanding of:

  • Permitted developments rights - what you can, and cant do.

  • Local Authorities’ Policies - what will and wont be acceptable in a planning context

  • Conservation areas - producing designs that enhance and protect the area

I have also learned a lot from my Father who is a now semi-retired Independent Planning Consultant with 20+ years experience in gaining approvals and fighting (and winning!) appeals for the most challenging of sites. I feel well placed to present solutions to clients that are feasible from a Planning perspective. In some cases this has also allowed me to bypass the sometimes long-winded pre-application process offered by Local Authorities, and hopefully gives clients confidence that Planning permission can be obtained quickly.  


I am passionate about good design and believe buildings and spaces have the power to transform people’s lives for the better; from a functional perspective, spiritually, and to bring a sense of joy into the everyday. I undertake every project with the same level of care and attention to detail, from smaller extensions to larger developments, to create a sense of ‘place’ and ultimately a sense of ‘home’.

My goal is to work collaboratively with my Clients and Consultants alike: to listen and present solutions that are practical, thought through, cost effective and aesthetically pleasing.

I like to see the essence of how things are made – so expression of material is key for me, both in a structural sense as well as an aesthetic sense – buildings that are beautifully functional. For me architecture is functional art, and it can reflect the personality of its user(s), as well as express its function.

I also love adding colour, texture and detail to my designs to bring them to life.